Good Life

Good Life

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Entry #3 : Malthus's Vision.

One of our assignments in week two was to debate whether or not Malthus premonition on world resources was valid or simply foolish. Remember, he believed the world’s population would get to the point where food resources would not be able to support leading to starvation and disease. I was quick to point out how foolish that statement was, highlighting the fact that we now have access to the latest technologies to produce food faster and more abundantly than he could ever dream of. I then concluded by saying that no matter how much the world’s population increases, the resources available will always be sufficient for all of us to live comfortably. Due to some recent news, I realized that due to the fact that I was very much on point, we were all to be blamed for the atrocities happening thousands of miles away from us.

Very recently, I came across news of starvation happening somewhere in Somalia. I first thought “I can’t be that bad! Damn media. They always blow things out of proportion!” However, since it had to do with Africa, I thought it would not hurt to glance at news about it. I was flabbergasted by what I’ve found out! According to the world hunger database, the world produces enough food to feed everyone! However per UN’s statistics ten thousands of CHILDREN are dead, 3.7 MILLION of them are in need of urgent care. Yet, restaurants such as Taco Bell, Mc Donald and a lot more prefer to throw away leftover food while a child somewhere in Africa is dying of starvation. We can all pitch to stop this atrocity. I sincerely believe so. I know the US never fails to land a helping hand but I feel like at times, the help takes too long to reach the neediest.



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