Good Life

Good Life

Monday, July 20, 2009

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. " A very Old man with enormous wings"

The short story begins as a couple is getting rid of crabs after several days of rain. They are worried about their son's health since he has developed temperature. Pelayo, on his way back to the house, finds an old man with wings, lying in the mud.After consulting with his neighbor, they assume that he was an angel sent from God to watch over their little boy. They take him in and start feeding him. Soon, their house becomes some sort of circus, with all kind of people coming to stare at the creature. The old man stays with the couple for several years and one day, takes off on its own. The main characters of this story are Pelayo, Elisenda and Father Gonzaya. The themes are superstition, curiosity, insensitivity, religion.

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